Note: iTickets is not affiliated with Stripe. These instructions are provided as a courtesy, and may not be authoritative. You are responsible for your own Stripe configuration.
Step 1: Activate Account
If you haven’t already, log in or register here and click “Activate your account.” Fill out the form and click “Submit application.”
Step 2: Disable Blocking on CVC & ZIP (if available)
Go to your Dashboard → Settings and under Radar select Rules.
Note: If you cannot access the Radar settings, then skip to Step 3 below.
Find the rows that say CVC and ZIP, and disable blocking for both.
Step 3: Send Live Keys to iTickets
Go to Developers → API keys. Make sure “test data” is disabled to show live data, and look for both your “Publishable key” and “Secret Key.” Click to reveal the secret token.
In a new browser tab, go to Copy and paste both tokens here, then click Generate Link.
Copy the link and send it to your iTickets sales rep. Do not send the token itself (either one of them) via email.