To start, find your event in Box Office. Go to Manage Customers –> Email Customers. This will open up the tool. Select ‘Add Email’ in the bottom right corner.
Step 1: Label Your Email
The first thing you want to do is label your email so you know what it is and if you ever need to refer back to it, you can do so easily. This will NOT be visible to customers, just you.
Step 2: Select Customers
The next thing you want to do is select which customers you want to send the email to. We offer a few different ways to do this:
- DELIVERY - If you have an event with multiple different delivery options (Print-at-Home, will-call, mail), then you can select which ones you want to send this email to. If you want to send it to all, then just leave each box checked.
- TICKETS PRINTED - This option allows you to email customers who have not yet printed their tickets, customers who have printed their tickets, or all customers printed and unprinted.
- ORDER DATE - If you would like to email customers who purchased within a certain time frame, you can do so by selecting a date range. If you do not, then leave it as the default (Please NOTE that this will default to sending to all customers)
- TICKET TYPE - You can choose to only email customers who purchased certain ticket types if you’d like. If you’d like to email all ticket types, leave it as the default “all”
Step 3: Email Set-Up
Now it is time to set up the email itself.
- Type your subject line into the SUBJECT field.
- Type your ‘from name’ into the FROM NAME field.
- Choose the date/time of when you want the email to send. Please note that this is in Eastern Time. Leave it as 0’s if you want it to send immediately (we always recommend testing the email before sending immediately)
- Type your ‘reply to’ email into the REPLY TO field. This is the email address that customers will be redirected to if they reply to the email.
Step 4: Email Body
Begin typing the body of the email!
- The customizable text box is pre-loaded with coded placeholders that contain event information. These can be deleted, moved around, or left as they are. (We usually recommend leaving the first name, order details, and ticket link.)
- Use ‘Insert’ to insert photos, links, media, and tables
- Use ‘Format’ to change things such as font, font size, text color, etc.
- To make things bold, italicized, or underlined; highlight your desired text and then go to ‘Format”.
Step 5: Test & Submit
Once done, check everything is accurate and send yourself or someone on your team a test email.
Another way you can check it is by clicking ‘SUBMIT’ BUT not clicking the “email is ready to send” box. Once you do that, click PREVIEW and it will open a second tab with a preview of the body of the email.
PLEASE NOTE: Do NOT check the “email is ready to send” box until it is completely ready to send and checked for accuracy.
Once you’ve checked all is accurate, check the box that says “email is ready to send.”
This will change the status of the email from “BUILD” to “READY” at the bottom of the tool form.
Important Notes
- The system will pre-load the email with any art that is on the event page. (It will display at the top of the email.) If no art is attached to the event, it will load whoever the first artist is on the event
- The system will NOT send emails to any orders that are voided. (This is important to know in the event of an event cancellation… it’s important to email customers before refunding or voiding any orders)
See for more help on what each tool does.