Here you will find a detailed reference for submitting artwork and image files to iTickets.
Artwork Types
Featured Banners
- 870 x 375 pixels
- JPEG format
Event Page & Feature Event Artwork
- 870 x 375 pixels
- JPEG format
For Featured Events the first event image on the carousel of your Event Page displays automatically.
See also: Adding Event Images
Print-At-Home Ticket Ad Space
- 300 x 200 pixels
- JPEG format
On every PAH ticket, there are two adjacent spaces for ads. You can use both for one large image:
- 300 x 400 pixels ***This summer we are moving all tickets to the 300x400 pixel image***
You can also provide more images than this, and they will rotate so that each ticket shows a different set. There is no limit to how many ads you can show in this way.
Branded Order Page
You can provide any of the following info or assets to customize the order page:
- Header Image
- 980 pixels wide
- Height can vary; we recommend 100-250 pixels. (Taller images push the ticket options farther down on the customer's screen.)
- Background Color
- Background Image
- Footer Image
- 672 x 117 pixels
Private Label Print-at-Home Ticket
- Header Image
- 900 x 120 pixels
- Watermark Background ***This summer we are discontinuing the watermark***
- 518 x 268 pixels
Seating Chart Image
- We recommend 1000 x 1000 pixels (no smaller than 500 x 500).
Merchandise Images
- We recommend 400 x 400 pixels. (This will be displayed at only 40x40 pixels, until the customer clicks to zoom.)
Ticket Alert Ads
- 728 x 90 pixels (This will be displayed at 468x60 or 320x50 on mobile devices.)
- We recommend either 1200 or 600 pixels wide. The larger size looks nicer on retina displays.
Badge Logo
- 636 x 240 pixels
- JPEG format
General Tips
Accessing Difficult Images
If you are browsing a website for your artwork, and find something that you have trouble downloading, most browsers offer a way to do this through the developer tools interface.
If you are using Google Chrome, see here for instructions.
Adding Event Images
You can add your own event page artwork through Box Office.
Standard size:
- 870 x 375 pixels
Find your event, and click Actions > Overview/Edit. Click "edit" on the "Event/Venue" section, and find the option labelled "Images." This allows you to choose and upload images from your computer. You can upload multiple at once.
While using this feature, please observe the following:
- The file name must be your event ID.
- For multiple, all but the first must have a lowercase letter at the end, starting with
for the second image, up to a maximum of eight.
Here is an example sequence, using the event ID369314
(first image)369314b.jpg
(second image)369314c.jpg
(third image)- ... (so on, to the letter
- If your artwork does not fit the recommended size of 870x375 pixels, you may also use 400x400 pixels.
- Must be JPEG format.
- Size of each file must be no more than 900kb.
- Must be RGB color format.
- Official tour artwork (if any) takes first precedence, then your custom event art, then official artist images.
- The slideshow on the event page will display only the first eight of these images, in this order of precedence. This means that if there are more than eight, not all images will display.