This article is about the iTickets Scanner app for iOS. For other options, see our Scanner Comparison.
1. Prepare Devices
- Install the iTickets Scanner iOS app. If already installed, run any available updates.
- Set screen timeout as appropriate, under Settings > Display & Brightness > Auto-Lock.
- Fully charge device batteries.
- Connect scanning devices to a staff-only WiFi network. The mobile devices of large crowds can dramatically congest cell data and any public WiFi.
2. Scan Event QR Code
Find your Event QR Code.
In the app, tap "Scan Event QR Code" to enter camera mode, and scan the QR code. Wait for the event info to download.* Once complete, you'll see one of the following messages:
Event is set up; you can start scanning tickets.
Event failed to load. You can start scanning tickets in offline mode.
If you see this, read the FAQ.
See the FAQ for ways to share the Event QR Code.
* Download should take less than 1 second per 100 tickets, or 5 seconds per 500 tickets.
3. Confirm Event Info
Tap the X in the top left corner to check the Stat Screen for event details, to confirm you scanned the correct Event QR Code.