Warning: Payment transfers and partial refunds/payments can cause accounting discrepancies. When possible, it is best to refund orders in full and place new orders.
If you want to reconcile (or research) transactions for a single event, find the event and go to Reports > Transaction Details.
By default, this report displays all transactions, including a breakdown by category. You can add your own custom categories (see below), but these categories are predefined:
- tickets
- taxes
- facility fees
- service fees
To see a specific date range, or isolate a payment type, adjust the filters as needed and click "apply."
You can even drill deeper and isolate by credit card provider (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express).
Transactions on void orders will show in a faded grey color. (Voided orders do not show on the Ticket Sales Report.)
Custom Categories
We also offer the ability to add custom fund categories beyond the ones listed above (taxes, fees, etc.).
For example, if you sell a bundle ticket type that includes admission, a t-shirt, and a parking pass, this can be set up to split the ticket cost into these custom categories. (See image below.)