We offer a ticketing solution that can be configured to work with any streaming platform.
Additionally, for certain platforms iTickets can authenticate the purchase of each viewer before granting them access. (For more info, choose "Auto Delivery" in Step 2 below.)
Note: iTickets is not a streaming host. Please inform customers who they should contact in case they have technical issues during the live stream. We cannot answer these inquiries for you; consider preparing day-of staff like you would for an in-person event.
1) Prepare Event
Create New
If your event does not yet exist, follow the instructions in Creating Events, but when you reach the "Venue" field select: Streaming Event (ID: 35350)
Choose Existing
Alternatively, you can use an existing event.
If you are transitioning mid-sales to sell a streaming ticket, then do not proceed on your own. In this case, please contact us. Otherwise, find the event and click Actions > Overview/Edit.
General Setup
Follow the instructions in Basic Event Setup, then make the additional changes shown in this article.
A live stream does not need a physical location. On the Overview page, under "Event/Venue" find the option called "Overrides" and hide the venue.
If the stream will be available to view for more then one day, make sure to update the event's End Date and End Sales to the last day of the streaming access. This will ensure customers' accessibility is not cut off prematurely.
2) URL Delivery
This step varies based on what type of service you want from iTickets. Choose an option below, follow the instructions, then proceed with step 3 below.
3) Test the Configuration
Finally, go to Overview > View Event Page. Walk through the order process as a customer, and make sure it looks right.
Please double-check ticket price and service fees. Then go ahead and place a real order, to make sure you can view the stream.
Please note: If you are using a Secure iTickets URL, one of the access methods available to customers is disabled for promoter accounts. With your promoter account, you cannot access the stream by order ID. You must either use your password, or place the order with a non-promoter account.
Regardless of what configuration you use, make sure to send reminders as appropriate so your customers don't forget to tune in. We recommend sending reminders at both 24 and 48 hours prior to the event.
See Also
- Hosting Options
- Creating Events
- Basic Event Setup
- promotional video "Live Streams"